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m.sobkow at marketelsy... Guest
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:01 am Post subject: [Freeswitch-users] I got ERLang to fire a configuration requ |
I still need to stuff the Freeswitch PID into global storage somewhere
so the process that's handling the configuration requests can send the
reply without crashing (it's just getting a node id, not a Pid), but I
seem to be on my way to configuring Freeswitch via ERLang.
freeswitch_bind.erl has the calls added to register the ERLang
callbacks. The callback function itself is in the aptly named
-record(st, {fsnode, pbxpid, configpid, dirpid, dialpid}).
-export([start/3, terminate/2, code_change/3, init/1,
handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
%% gen_server methods
start(Node, Section, Pid) ->
gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Node, Section, Pid], []).
init([Node, Section, Pid]) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_bind:init( [Node=~w, Section=~w, Pid=~w])~n", [Node, Section, Pid] ),
{api, Node} ! {bind, Section},
ok ->
{ok, ConfigurationPid } = freeswitch:start_fetch_handler( Node, configuration, freeswitch_callback, fetch_handler ),
{ok, DirectoryPid } = freeswitch:start_fetch_handler( Node, directory, freeswitch_callback, fetch_handler ),
{ok, DialplanPid } = freeswitch:start_fetch_handler( Node, dialplan, freeswitch_callback, fetch_handler ),
{ok, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid, configpid=ConfigurationPid, dirpid=DirectoryPid, dialpid=DialplanPid}};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {error, {freeswitch_error, Reason}}}
after 5000 ->
{stop, {error, freeswitch_timeout}}
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% If the request isn't recognized, just log it and do nothing.
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
io:format("freeswitch_bind:handle_call( ~w, _From, State) unrecognized request~n",
{reply, {error, unrecognized_request}, State}.
handle_cast(Message, State) ->
error_logger:error_msg("~p received unrecognized cast ~p~n",
[self(), Message]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, FetchID, Params}, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid}=State) ->
{ok, XML} = gen_server:call(Pid, {fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params}),
{api, Node} ! {fetch_reply, FetchID, XML},
ok ->
{noreply, State};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {error, Reason}, State}
%% Author: mark
%% Created: Sep 15, 2009
%% Description: TODO: Add description to freeswitch_callback
-record(st, {fsnode, pbxpid}).
-export([start/3, terminate/2, code_change/3, init/1,
handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, fetch_handler/1]).
start(Node, Section, Pid) ->
gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Node, Section, Pid], []).
init([Node, Section, Pid]) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:init( [Node=~w, Section=~w, Pid=~w])~n", [Node, Section, Pid] ),
{ok, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid}}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% Callback for freeswitch:start_fetch_handler() called in freeswitch_bind:init()
fetch_handler( FreeswitchNode ) ->
{ nodedown, Node } ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Node ~w is down~n", [Node] ),
{ fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, FetchId, Params } ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Invoking xml_fetch()~n" ),
{ok, Xml} = xml_fetch( {fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params} ),
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Sending reply to FreeswitchNode ~w: ~s~n", [FreeswitchNode, Xml] ),
FreeswitchNode ! { fetch_reply, FetchId, Xml },
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Reply sent~n" ),
{ ok } = fetch_handler( FreeswitchNode ),
{ ok }.
%% Configuration handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, configuration, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:handle_call( {fetch, configuration, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% Directory handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, directory, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( {fetch, directory, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% Dialplan handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, dialplan, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( {fetch, dialplan, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% Default handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( {fetch, Section=~w, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% If the request isn't recognized, just log it.
xml_fetch( Request ) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( Request=~w ) not recognized~n",
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml }.
%% If the request isn't recognized, just log it and do nothing.
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
io:format("freeswitch_callback:handle_call( ~w, _From, State) unrecognized request~n",
{reply, {error, unrecognized_request}, State}.
handle_cast(Message, State) ->
error_logger:error_msg("~p received unrecognized cast ~p~n",
[self(), Message]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, FetchID, Params}, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid}=State) ->
{ok, XML} = gen_server:call(Pid, {fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params}),
{api, Node} ! {fetch_reply, FetchID, XML},
ok ->
{noreply, State};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {error, Reason}, State}
FreeSWITCH-users mailing list
http://www.freeswitch.org |
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msc at freeswitch.org Guest
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:02 pm Post subject: [Freeswitch-users] I got ERLang to fire a configuration requ |
You might want to send this question to freeswitch-dev@lists.freeswitch.org (freeswitch-dev@lists.freeswitch.org) as it's a bit intense for the users list.
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Mark Sobkow <m.sobkow@marketelsystems.com (m.sobkow@marketelsystems.com)> wrote:
Quote: | I still need to stuff the Freeswitch PID into global storage somewhere so the process that's handling the configuration requests can send the reply without crashing (it's just getting a node id, not a Pid), but I seem to be on my way to configuring Freeswitch via ERLang.
freeswitch_bind.erl has the calls added to register the ERLang callbacks. The callback function itself is in the aptly named freeswitch_callback.erl.
-record(st, {fsnode, pbxpid, configpid, dirpid, dialpid}).
-export([start/3, terminate/2, code_change/3, init/1,
handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
%% gen_server methods
start(Node, Section, Pid) ->
gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Node, Section, Pid], []).
init([Node, Section, Pid]) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_bind:init( [Node=~w, Section=~w, Pid=~w])~n", [Node, Section, Pid] ),
{api, Node} ! {bind, Section},
ok ->
{ok, ConfigurationPid } = freeswitch:start_fetch_handler( Node, configuration, freeswitch_callback, fetch_handler ),
{ok, DirectoryPid } = freeswitch:start_fetch_handler( Node, directory, freeswitch_callback, fetch_handler ),
{ok, DialplanPid } = freeswitch:start_fetch_handler( Node, dialplan, freeswitch_callback, fetch_handler ),
{ok, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid, configpid=ConfigurationPid, dirpid=DirectoryPid, dialpid=DialplanPid}};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {error, {freeswitch_error, Reason}}}
after 5000 ->
{stop, {error, freeswitch_timeout}}
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% If the request isn't recognized, just log it and do nothing.
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
io:format("freeswitch_bind:handle_call( ~w, _From, State) unrecognized request~n",
{reply, {error, unrecognized_request}, State}.
handle_cast(Message, State) ->
error_logger:error_msg("~p received unrecognized cast ~p~n",
[self(), Message]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, FetchID, Params}, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid}=State) ->
{ok, XML} = gen_server:call(Pid, {fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params}),
{api, Node} ! {fetch_reply, FetchID, XML},
ok ->
{noreply, State};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {error, Reason}, State}
%% Author: mark
%% Created: Sep 15, 2009
%% Description: TODO: Add description to freeswitch_callback
-record(st, {fsnode, pbxpid}).
-export([start/3, terminate/2, code_change/3, init/1,
handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, fetch_handler/1]).
start(Node, Section, Pid) ->
gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Node, Section, Pid], []).
init([Node, Section, Pid]) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:init( [Node=~w, Section=~w, Pid=~w])~n", [Node, Section, Pid] ),
{ok, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid}}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% Callback for freeswitch:start_fetch_handler() called in freeswitch_bind:init()
fetch_handler( FreeswitchNode ) ->
{ nodedown, Node } ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Node ~w is down~n", [Node] ),
{ fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, FetchId, Params } ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Invoking xml_fetch()~n" ),
{ok, Xml} = xml_fetch( {fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params} ),
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Sending reply to FreeswitchNode ~w: ~s~n", [FreeswitchNode, Xml] ),
FreeswitchNode ! { fetch_reply, FetchId, Xml },
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:fetch_handler() Reply sent~n" ),
{ ok } = fetch_handler( FreeswitchNode ),
{ ok }.
%% Configuration handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, configuration, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:handle_call( {fetch, configuration, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% Directory handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, directory, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( {fetch, directory, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% Dialplan handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, dialplan, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( {fetch, dialplan, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% Default handler replies that the requested document section, tag, and key are not
%% found.
xml_fetch({fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params}) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( {fetch, Section=~w, Tag=~s, Key=~s, Value=~s, Params=~w} )~n",
[Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params]),
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml };
%% If the request isn't recognized, just log it.
xml_fetch( Request ) ->
io:format( "freeswitch_callback:xml_fetch( Request=~w ) not recognized~n",
Xml =
"<document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">
<section name=\"result\">
<result status=\"not found\" />
{ok, Xml }.
%% If the request isn't recognized, just log it and do nothing.
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
io:format("freeswitch_callback:handle_call( ~w, _From, State) unrecognized request~n",
{reply, {error, unrecognized_request}, State}.
handle_cast(Message, State) ->
error_logger:error_msg("~p received unrecognized cast ~p~n",
[self(), Message]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, FetchID, Params}, #st{fsnode=Node, pbxpid=Pid}=State) ->
{ok, XML} = gen_server:call(Pid, {fetch, Section, Tag, Key, Value, Params}),
{api, Node} ! {fetch_reply, FetchID, XML},
ok ->
{noreply, State};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {error, Reason}, State}
FreeSWITCH-users mailing list
FreeSWITCH-users@lists.freeswitch.org (FreeSWITCH-users@lists.freeswitch.org)
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andrew at hijacked.us Guest
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:39 pm Post subject: [Freeswitch-users] I got ERLang to fire a configuration requ |
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 08:38:41AM -0600, Mark Sobkow wrote:
Quote: | I still need to stuff the Freeswitch PID into global storage somewhere
so the process that's handling the configuration requests can send the
reply without crashing (it's just getting a node id, not a Pid), but I
seem to be on my way to configuring Freeswitch via ERLang.
| Looking at your code, assuming I read it right, you should be able to
just replace:
FreeSWITCHNode ! SomeMsg.
{api, FreeSWITCHNode} ! SomeMsg.
The freeswitch module doesn't really have a pid, since it's not a real
erlang node, it's all faked and all messages to a pid or a registered
process on the C node go to the same place.
FreeSWITCH-users mailing list
http://www.freeswitch.org |
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