fraunhofer.lists.frees... Guest
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:03 pm Post subject: [Freeswitch-users] UUID of the newly originated call? |
2009/10/5 Nagalenoj <>:
Quote: | * Receive the events only for this uuid - I have done by registering
all events and filtering only for this uuid($uuid).
* If it is CHANNEL_ANSWER, originate a new call.
it's a "filter in", not "filter out" :)
Quote: | Now, How can I get the uuid of the new call and receive events for this new
call.? I want to receive the events for both uuids.
You can specify the UUID of an originated call by doing the following:
* Use create_uuid to generate a UUID to use.
* This will allow you to kill an originated call before it is
answered by using uuid_kill.
* The UUID of the answered call leg will not be the same UUID as
the origination_uuid specified (Each call leg always gets its own
originate [origination_uuid=...]user/
shamelessly ripped from
at least it worked for me.
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